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Park Farm

+44 (0) 1872 885779

Inspiring and educating children about sustainability and the natural environment through exciting hands-on experiences including school camp, summer camp, workshops and forest school. Based in Cornwall, our focus is green education, and our mission is to reconnect and engage children with the natural world, inspiring them to live more sustainably. 


the latest news, events and happenings from camp

Wild in the woods...

Claire Coombe

Thursday began bright and early with some adventurers having a go at the ancient sport of archery while others scaled the west face of the power tower on a climbing mission. After a delicious lunch of homemade soup, crusty bread and Cornish cheeses it was time to pack up and head to the woods for a Wild Wood campout and a night under the stars around the campfire. 

Following a tarp rigging demonstration it was time for adventurers to try it for themselves  and  construct their home for the night amongst the trees. A toilet was dug and a campfire circle laid, ready for the evening ahead. Spaghetti bolognese cooked over the campfire and turbo s'mores were enjoyed by all and the evening ended with an extravaganza of performances including magic, poetry and singing.

Everyone slept surprising well in the woods and some even had to be woken up eventually as it was time for breakfast and fresh, fluffy pancakes hot off the pan. Leaving the woodland as we found it, we headed back to camp to pack and reveal the results of the camp nominations in an award ceremony recognising the contribution of each environmental adventurer in making our five days such a fun, memorable and rewarding experience.