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Park Farm

+44 (0) 1872 885779

Inspiring and educating children about sustainability and the natural environment through exciting hands-on experiences including school camp, summer camp, workshops and forest school. Based in Cornwall, our focus is green education, and our mission is to reconnect and engage children with the natural world, inspiring them to live more sustainably. 

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hands-on workshops in schools exploring sustainability and renewable energy technologies

Camp Kernow can bring exciting and innovative hands-on workshops to your school through it’s Future roots outreach workshop programme.


Sustainability education is brought to life for children with practical and engaging workshops exploring the challenges of climate change and the ways in which we, both individually and collectively, can make a positive impact. We work with children of KS2 age in schools across the county and beyond to assist in the delivery of green education.


Silk screen printing

Design and print a t-shirt communicating an environmental message to raise awareness of an issue that’s important to you. Children will explore and discuss environmental issues as a group before thinking of a conceptual design and translating it into a drawn design on paper. They’ll use careful cutting skills to cut out all the shapes of their design then choose their background colour before using the silk screen to print this onto their t-shirt with a professional finish to be proud of.

Camp Kernow has supported us in teaching our children what is important for their future and that of the world. The children are learning to become global citizens and we are delighted that Camp Kernow has had a real, practical and valuable part to play in this process.
— Gill Harper, St Columb Minor Academy

wind power workshop

Discover how nature’s energy can be harnessed to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and provide clean electricity. Explore how wind turbines work by assembling your own small scale device and designing the blades, before testing your turbine outdoors.  Generate, measure and store electricity and evaluate your turbine blade design. 

I learnt how wind turbines work and it’s quite complicated! I was surprised to see that different shaped turbines could make such a difference with the amount of electricity they produce. Every team produced enough energy to power a double A battery! Your workshop opened my eyes to what we’ve done to the world and I promise to save as much electricity as I can.
— Slyvia, Year 5 pupil St Minver School

Natural dyeing

Discover how our ancestors used natural resources to create pigments, stains, inks and dyes across the ages. Consider how our clothes are made now and the impact that this is having on our environment. How can we address this and reduce our impact? Explore the ways we can create colour in an environmentally friendly way. Have a go at bundle dyeing silk to create beautiful bright colours using collected natural materials. What colours can you create? Will they be what you expected? How about using a hammer to create striking prints on cotton using plants and Hapa Zome (leaf dye) techniques? Children will finish with a silk bandana or scarf and a piece of cotton bunting.

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