Environmental adventurers unite!
Claire Coombe
Environmental Adventurers arrived at camp today ready to begin an action packed, off-grid, fun filled six days of summer camp. It's wonderful to bring together young people from across the country and beyond to share this off-grid experience and learn from one another. We also have an international team here from France, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Portugal and the UK so lots to learn about other cultures and environmental issues faced by people across the world.
The afternoon began with a few getting to know you games then a tour to discover how we can live here off-grid in balance with nature. Adventurers enjoyed a tour of camp to find out more about how we can all live here off-grid. They discovered where our water comes from, how we can pump it up from underground using solar energy and heat it using solar thermal panels. They also found out how we can clean our dirty water using a reed-bed and how composting toilets work to turn number 2’s into rich, fertile soil for the plants!
Then it was time to find out which structure would be home for the next five days and who would be tent buddies. A delicious dinner of veggie curry was enjoyed by all with lots of lovely produce from the camp garden.
A dusk meditative walk got everyone thinking about the importance of being in the moment and connecting with nature. We learned some techniques which can help us focus, be in the moment and really experience it rather than have our minds elsewhere thinking of past events or wondering about whats to come tomorrow. Being in nature can be an incredibly powerful and positive experience for our wellbeing if we take the time to appreciate it.
Everyone was excited for their first night under canvas and the chance to get tucked up in sleeping bags and chat with fellow tent mates! Tomorrow we can look forward to tackling the climbing wall, learning how to shoot a bow and arrow on the archery range, team challenges and an evening workshop exploring food and sustainability.